The iPod Nano back in its third version

And three! The iPod Nano back in its third version, but retains the unmistakable look that makes a player so special. Very nice and very small, it goes under the category of music players to the players. This is the main innovation: Nano bed finally videos.

Like previous versions, the iPod Nano (3G) is available in several colors.

Therefore, it is a new world opens to him. Firstly, podcasts are finally available. And this use is a disconcerting ease. It must be said that, for once, iTunes is a great help. Just visit any site offering podcasts and click on the link subscription - making sure to choose the format for iTunes - so the podcast appears automatically in iTunes. The latest videos will be synchronized to each connection of the iPod Nano. It is very easy to look at the news of the day or even the weather by visiting, for example, in his work.

Podcast on iPod Nano

Unfortunately, the management of films is much less convenient. Innocents that we are, we sought to place a film in the iPod Nano in the way of a load of music: dragging the file into iTunes. If the operation is carried out successfully in audio, we gratifie an error message with most films. iTunes is not conversion to video formats read by the Nano. These formats are the same as those supported by the QuickTime Player. It will therefore encode films. M4v,. Mp4 or. Mov using codecs H.264 or MPEG-4. Here also the compatibility provided on the Apple site:

File formats:. M4v,. Mp4, and. Mov
Video: Up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240, 30 frames per second (fps), basic profile up to Level 1.3.
Audio: AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz and audio in stereo.

File formats:. M4v,. Mp4, and. Mov
Video: Up to 2.5 Mbps, 480 x 480, 30 fps, Simple Profile.
Audio: AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz and audio in stereo.

An encoding that iTunes can not achieve from other formats. It will therefore bring software and addtionnel up its sleeves to convert a video library. It must be said that the screen size of the iPod Nano 3G does not predestined for this purpose, but rather the reading of video clips, or podcasts, as shown above.

You will understand our small allusions, iTunes is not our "favourite". In fact, this is not the software itself that we deplore, but particularly this policy of protection which makes Apple's iTunes inevitable, and is assigned to a single computer. We want to say it is impossible to place audio files on the iPod without going through iTunes, no''drag and drop''therefore, unlike MP3 USB key. But more importantly, this synchronization with iTunes can not take place on a single computer. Whenever you connect an iPod to another computer, it is impossible to add titles ... unless emptying all securities précédemmant loaded into the player.
In summary, an iPod is a single music library contained in a single computer.

For use and listening, the iPod Nano remains as convenient and enjoyable. The sound quality is good ... provided to change the earphones of origin that produce a sound a little dry, aggressive and lacking medium. Note that the player now offers the CoverFlow Apple, a system that scrolls the covers of albums through the wheel. The effect is most aesthetic.

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