Plurk: micro-blogging with timeline

You certainly know Plurk, this service micro-blogging the Twitter which has experienced a certain excitement a few weeks ago. Arriving from a wide range of sites similar concept, it has nevertheless been thrown onto the front of the Web 2.0 scene through the misfortunes suffered by its main competitor. But what it really is today, now that he has regained some stability?

Plurk is the representation of procrastination. With its innovative horizontal timeline, its system of karma addictive, smilies way IM and its pleasant followed unread messages, it has attracted a very large party regulars and Twitter to lose much time incalculable.

However, the primary users of this service have now abandoned the one they saw as a must eventually return to their "roots" (the few who remain are very loyal to service and spend considerable time). While still there really Plurk? What twitter-addict has completely and effectively switched to the latter? Is this a new demonstration of the harsh law of Web 2.0 which allows only limited success promised elected? is there still room for challengers? Despite the recent Plurk compatibility with certain sites and software is still a near tragedy that has befallen at the moment on the one who should be a serious competitor Twitter (evidenced by the statistics service, which has certainly received a big boost from the blogosphere but has a very big coup fatigue)

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