Virtual Machine Manager 2008

The release of Virtual Machine Manager 2008, the administration tool of hyperviseur Hyper-V to Microsoft is postponed until the end of the year.

Contrary to what Microsoft announced, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (WWW), the administration tool of its hyperviseur Hyper-V, will not be available before the end of the year. After numerous postponements, System Center VMM 2008 was promised for next month. The tool is vértiablement the cornerstone of the strategy Microsoft on virtualization. It will not only manage VMs in Hyper-V but also those under VMWare ESX. The support of XenServer is also announced.

The terminal is the major issue of virtualization. It is now acquired that hyperviseur remains confined to the lower layers of servers it hosts. Moreover, soon defined format FVO (Open Virtual Machine Format) will migrate a whole virtual machine between hyperviseurs of VMWare, Microsoft and Citrix. The latter has pre-announced yesterday the pre-beta Kensho tool carrier VMs.

WWW 2008 will be sold separately from the rest of System Center

It is therefore essential that a brick will have to wait another several months. This does not prevent Microsoft begin to detail how to be marketed VMM 2008. It will be sold only independently of other elements of System Center. A clear sign of the importance that there will disseminate as widely as possible VMM 2008. WWW 2007, which only works with Virtual Server for Windows Server 2005, is exclusively marketed across System Center Management Server.

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